Introducing our BAFDA!
We are happy to introduce you the ‘BAFDA’!
The ‘Brighterway Annual Fundraising Divisional Award’ ✨🏆✨
This trophy will be awarded to the division that raises the most funds for brighterway in 2022/23 through fundraising and regular giving.
The money raised will not just go into the brighterway general funding pot. All moneys raised by your division will go towards supporting projects for your area- the more you raise, the more projects can be funded.
One quick and easy way to kick off your campaign and get a step up on the other divisions is to sign up to regular giving. You can sign up to either ‘Pennies from Heaven’ where you make monthly donations to brighterway by donating pennies from your salary -you’ll never donate more than £12 a year but all the pennies add up!
We will upload a league table onto our website each month which will also be available in the Trust bulletin, this will show where each division is in the league every month 🥇🥈🥉