Introducing our BAFDA!

We are happy to introduce you the ‘BAFDA’! The ‘Brighterway Annual Fundraising Divisional Award’ ✨🏆✨ This trophy will be awarded to the division that raises the most funds for brighterway in 2022/23 through fundraising and regular giving. The money raised will not just go into the brighterway general funding pot. All moneys raised by your division […]

RITA System at Parklands Hospital

Elmwood ward, Parkland’s hospital at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust is an Older Persons Mental Health Acute 14 bedded unit for patients with dementia where Support is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Elmwood was fortunately funded by Brighterway charity to part funding of RITA (Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities) system. What is […]