ABP Southampton Marathon

On Sunday 7th April 2024, we will be taking part in this year’s ABP Southampton Marathon! We are currently accepting volunteers for a team called Brighterway Heroes! We do still have spaces available for the following races – 

  •  10 k race
  •  Half marathon race

We chose the team name Brighterway Heroes as we believe the word heroes describes all NHS staff and service users perfectly! Lace up your trainers and get ready to take part in this fun, challenging and rewarding event! If you are interested in joining Brighterway Heroes, please contact us by emailing: 


Elmleigh – Move In To March

Elmleigh have been fundraising for their activity room with this amazing wellbeing challenge! They have been plodding, paddling and pedaling the distance from Landsend to John O Groats. That is a total of 874 miles! Look through the photos below to see their stand which was held at their base!

Please see the QR code below to donate!


Pennies From Heaven


Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust is a proud recipient of the Pennies From Heaven Silver Award. This reflects the increasing contribution employees are making towards supporting your local NHS Charity, Brighterway www.brighterway.org.uk  We would like to extend a big thank you to all of you as your donations make a real difference to the work we do to support our patients, service users and staff. Pennies From Heaven costs less than £1 a month so is affordable and easy to join. Simply use the PFH QR Code (below) and we will do the rest as we turn pennies into pounds. If you require any further information please email bethany.tregarthen@southernhealth.nhs.uk or phil.pride@southernhealth.nhs.uk 
